Final evaluation expert
AO Pro-Development
№8592879, 22 octombrie 2019
Experiența de munca:
Peste 5 ani
Program de muncă:
Munca la distanta / Freelance
Term of Reference
External Project Evaluation
Type of assignment
Final external evaluation of a development project “Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova 2017-2019”, funded by the Czech Development Agency and implemented by the leading partner Caritas Czech Republic along with AO Pro-Development, AO Homecare and People in Need
Expected duration of assignment
1 months: 5th November – 7 th December 2019
Purpose of the evaluation
The final evaluation findings are expected to:
• Evaluate achievement of specific objectives, indicators and project results;
• Analyze and possibly determine the impact [knowledge progress] of trained people and stakeholders (tools and % share should be specified in the proposed methodology);
• Analyze progress, cost effectiveness, project management and organization, impact and sustainability of the project activities in relation to the de facto circumstances in Moldova;
• Identify deficiencies or lacks as well as good practices of the project through methods and tools/approaches applied;
• Provide recommendation(s) for future actions in the field of inclusion in Moldova.
Project title
“Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova 2017-2019”
Lead Implementing Organization
Caritas Czech Republic (hereinafter: CCR)
Implementing partners
AO Pro-Development, AO Homecare and People in Need
Czech Development Agency
Project Period
June 2017 – December 2019
Target groups
• 42 NGOs members of Union of the Community Service Providers;
• Representatives of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection;
• Representatives of 4 local governments (Soroca, Dubasari, Edinet and Balti): 40 - social workers, 20 - civil servants, and mayors.
• Students/interns for 12 educational Institutions (colleges and universities) with social and medical profile;
• 24 CSO in social fields from 4 districts (Soroca, Dubasari, Edinet and Balti);
• AO Homecare staff .
Final beneficiaries
• 1200 beneficiaries (elderly and people with disabilities) who have benefiting of socio-medical homecare services in TCP Estera ( Chisinau).
• Vulnerable people from 4 selected districts – Edinet, Soroca, Dubasari and Balti municipality who have benefited of the implementation of 4 Local Inclusive strategies and implemnetation of 24 small grants;
• 12 Educational Institutions who will benefiting of new qualified internship opportunities;
• Overal popopulation who will benefit of change in the legal and normative framework related to social and medical homecare fields.
• Institutions involved:
Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection (MHLSP);
National Medical Insurance Company (NMIC)
District (Rayonal) Directorates of Social Assistance and Family Protection;
Union of the Community Service Providers
Project Background
The project has addressed the burning challenges of social sector development in Moldova, identified by leading actors of the social sector in the country. The project has supported the effort of these local as well as international actors mainly in development of functioning system of decentralised and de-institutionalised service provision; and in strengthening of local service providers.
Among the burning challenges, the project has addressed the dire situation of elderly people left in volatile hardships and deemed as country’s responsibility and burning issue. Through adjustment of tariff for medical services; identification of legal changes necessary for enactment of financing of social services from public sources; and optimization of functioning of the main homecare services provider, the project has lead to consolidation of operational and financial sustainability of home care services sector.
The social sector in Moldova faces on-going lack of stable work force. Organizations involved in provision of social (especially homecare) services face obstacles in recruiting, training and keeping volunteers as a vital resource of their centres/organizations. Therefore, the project aimed to create a functional instrument enabling and facilitating involvement of interns and volunteers in social services provision.
The project has supported efforts of local public institutions to improve the quality of social services and to support the process of de-institutionalisation and help the local authorities to cope with challenges resulting from decentralisation. Local public authorities in 4 districts (Soroca, Edinet, Balti and Dubasari) were supported in the development of Social Inclusive Strategies and their implementation. The project was therefore in compliance with needs of marginalised groups of population.
The overall objective of the project is to create a system of quality, accessible and sustainable social services in Moldova.
The specific objectives of the project:
- To consolidate the operational and financial sustainability of the home care services’ sector
- To create a functional tool enabling and facilitating the involvement of interns in the provision of social services.
- To create and integrate a system of social services management on the district and municipal level through increasing of capacities and initiating a strategic dialogue with key stakeholders.
Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) is a non-governmental organization with the vision of reducing human suffering, loss of lives, and poverty, enhancing the dignity of people living in poor conditions as well as building up and strengthening solidarity and participation. The traditional fields of work for CCR are social work, health care, education and livelihoods. Besides its activities in the Czech Republic, CCR, through its department of humanitarian and development aid, provides assistance abroad, in areas affected by natural disasters, war, conflicts, or poverty, both on humanitarian and development basis.
Deadline for applications: 31 October 2019
Start of work: 5 November 2019 (preparatory work, field data collection, report drafting)
Submission of draft evaluation report: 30 November 2019
Feedback from CCR on the draft evaluation report: 05 December 2019
Submission of final evaluation report: 7 December 2019
1. Draft of Evaluation report in English – Due on 30th November 2019, shall be submitted to Country Director Para Anastasia and CCR Desk officer Kremenić Ana
2. Final evaluation report in English with all annexes – Due on 7 December 2019, shall be submitted to Country Director Para Anastasia and CCR Desk officer Kremenić Ana
Add 2. The evaluation report shall have between 20 - 50 standard A4 pages (1 800 characters per single page). Its structure shall be as follows:
• Summary
• Context
• Methodology and applied instruments
• Findings (as per the structure below)
• Conclusion and recommendation
• Annexes (lists and opinions of interviewees, diagrams and informants, questionnaires, photos etc.)
The evaluation shall focus mainly on the topics and questions below (the list is not exhaustive)
Project relevance
• Relevance of the project objectives and expected results to the needs of the country, target groups and beneficiaries
• Relevance of the project objectives and expected results to the expectations of the main stakeholders
• Ability of the project management to adjust the project to changing context in the given sector
Progress made towards the achievement of results
• Fulfillment of the project objectives and results against project timeframe
• Reasons for delay in achieving project objectives and results (if applicable)
Achievement of given indicators
On the level of Results
E.R.1.1 Tariff for medical services has been increased by 40% from the current amount
1.1.1 The existence of an increased (by 40% compared to the current amount) tariff for health services.
1.1.2 The existence of adjusted formula of calculation, which will ensure a yearly basis increasing of tariff for health services in line with inflation fluctuation.
E.R.1.2 Preconditions for funding of social services from state budget are created
1.2 The draft of legislative changes has been prepared.
E.R.1.3 TPC Estera is consolidated in terms of funding and provision of social and medical services
1.3.1 By the end of the project, the increase in the number of clients receiving health and social services will reach 25% (from 300 to 365 per year)
1.3.2 TPC Estera’s budget is covered by sources different than the sources of Czech Development Cooperation.
1.3.3 Permanent (at least 3 years starting from 2020) location of TPC Estera in suitable premises.
E.R.1.4 Operation of AO Home Care (AOHC) has been optimized
1.4.1 The existence of AOHC strategy (by the end of 2017)
1.4.2 The existence of an optimised AOHC budget (by the end of 2017)
1.4.3 Achievement of at least 75% of the strategic goals by the end of the project (relates to goals planned for the period of implementation).
E.R.2.1 Internship program linking students with the established NGOs
2.1.1 Involvement of 50 interns
2.1.2 Involvement of 7 NGOs (in the first year).
2.1.3 Involvement of 12 tertiary education institutions (universities and colleges)
E.R.3.1 Assessment of needs and existing social services in targeted areas
3.1.1Qualitative and quantitative research – questionnaire survey, focus groups and interviews with stakeholders.
3.1.2 A number of strategic recommendations based on locally tested approaches designed and enforced on the national level. Goal: 1 recommendation/CSO
3.1.3 District social inclusion strategy has been created and is being integrated into the local socioeconomic strategy.
E.R.3.2 The capacities and cooperation of both state and non-state institutions to plan and manage social services at local level to vulnerable people have increased
3.2.1 The number of representatives of the National Social Support Agency, DSAFP, social assistants involved in social services and the number of created Transformation Teams and NGO workers from the 4 districts who have sufficient capacities and professional knowledge to get involved in the dialogue regarding the design of the social inclusion strategy. Goal: 40 persons will have been trained by the 2nd year of the project.
3.2.2 The number of meetings of the Advisory Committee for Social Inclusion with the participation of state institutions, civil sector and vulnerable groups. Goal: 6 meetings per municipality will have taken place by the end of the project.
3.2.3 The number of recipients of publications containing best practice examples and experience gained so far. Goal: 3 districts and 1 municipality (direct project beneficiaries) +28 LPA of II. level
E.R.3.3 Implementation of action plans elaborated and supported
3.3.1 The number of projects implemented as part of Annual Action Plans 2019. Goal: 24 small projects implemented by the end of the 2nd and 3rd project year.
3.3.2 The percentage of achieved results identified within small CSO projects supported by the small grants system. Goal: 80% of the small projects’ expected results will have been achieved by the end of the projects
On the level of Specific objectives:
SO 1
1.1 Introduction of an increased tariff for health services and design of changes in legislation in relation to funding of social home care services from the state budget.
1.2. AO Home Care (AOHC) is independent, with the 2020 budget covered from different sources.
SO 2
2.1 The number of interns actively involved in social services and home care (the target value of 20 interns/year).
SO 3
3.1 The number of local strategies and mechanisms created in cooperation with LPAs and CSOs which reflect and meet needs of vulnerable groups. Goal: By the end of the project, 4 district strategies will have been created, 1 for each target locations (Edinet, Soroca, Balti and Dudasari).
3.2 Four (4) mechanisms – 1 for each municipality – for monitoring of local programmes and activities of LPA bodies in the area of inclusion.
• Efficiency of the financial resources needed to achieve the existing outputs / results
• Efficiency of the human resources needed to achieve the existing outputs / results
Sustainability and replication prospects
• Prospects for viability of the training model developed by the project
• Prospects for future application and dissemination of the knowledge gained by the project beneficiaries
Project management and organization
• Effectivity of the communication between CCR, project partners and other stakeholders
• Level of local stakeholders´ (including beneficiaries, government and the local partners) participation in project implementation
• Visibility of the project and its funding (does it meet respective donors´ requirements, is it sufficient or not)
• Arrangement and transparency of project documents (documents proving implementation of activities, achievement of results and objectives, financial documents) keeping
• Effectiveness of CCR and FCPS internal project monitoring mechanisms (monitoring of partners´ performance, project events, measurement of impact of the trainings etc.)
• Project design recommendations for future actions relevant to the context and needs
• Modification / upgrade of the methods and tools relevant to the context and needs
• Measures needed to ensure sustainability and replication prospects for future actions
• Measures needed to ensure project benefit for the target groups and other stakeholders
• Organizational and management changes needed to improve the project management and administration (if applicable)
• University degree in areas of overseas development/humanitarian action/economics or social science or areas relevant for the assignment;
• Previous experience / participation , at least three (3) years, in research and strategy/organisational development/project management and review;
• Fluency in written and spoken English
• Knowledge and experience of using participatory approaches and innovative facilitation techniques
• Demonstrated excellent analytical skills (evidence required)
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and comfortable working across cultures
• Demonstrated understanding of development sector in the field of health care (verifiable information on relevant experience required)
• Expertise in inclusion field or social protection sector, prevention programs, educational programs in health sector
• Experience in working in Moldova
• Contractor’s performance will be evaluated against such criteria as: description of experience and expertise (copies of documents proving the expertise and experience shall be attached), timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy.
The description of experience and expertise has to include:
• contacts to persons / institutions that can provide reference, and / or
• copies of official documents proving the experience and expertise stated
The selection criteria will be as follows:
• Offered price (25%)
• Proven expertise and experience (75%)
Selected consultant / group of consultants/ company will be subcontracted by CCR to produce the deliverables specified above.
Maximum price to be paid for the deliverables is 95 000 CZK
The price agreed on will cover consultant´s remuneration, all costs incurred by the consultant related to the assignment and all taxes and fees required by law. The price will be final and cannot be increased under any circumstances.
CCR will provide the consultant with all information and documents it has at its disposal needed to conduct the evaluation.
Interested candidates should send their offers in English with clearly indicated Name and Surname to the following address and by 31 October 2019.
Incomplete offers and offers received after the deadline will not be considered. CCR reserves the right to cancel the tender at any time.
External Project Evaluation
Type of assignment
Final external evaluation of a development project “Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova 2017-2019”, funded by the Czech Development Agency and implemented by the leading partner Caritas Czech Republic along with AO Pro-Development, AO Homecare and People in Need
Expected duration of assignment
1 months: 5th November – 7 th December 2019
Purpose of the evaluation
The final evaluation findings are expected to:
• Evaluate achievement of specific objectives, indicators and project results;
• Analyze and possibly determine the impact [knowledge progress] of trained people and stakeholders (tools and % share should be specified in the proposed methodology);
• Analyze progress, cost effectiveness, project management and organization, impact and sustainability of the project activities in relation to the de facto circumstances in Moldova;
• Identify deficiencies or lacks as well as good practices of the project through methods and tools/approaches applied;
• Provide recommendation(s) for future actions in the field of inclusion in Moldova.
Project title
“Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova 2017-2019”
Lead Implementing Organization
Caritas Czech Republic (hereinafter: CCR)
Implementing partners
AO Pro-Development, AO Homecare and People in Need
Czech Development Agency
Project Period
June 2017 – December 2019
Target groups
• 42 NGOs members of Union of the Community Service Providers;
• Representatives of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection;
• Representatives of 4 local governments (Soroca, Dubasari, Edinet and Balti): 40 - social workers, 20 - civil servants, and mayors.
• Students/interns for 12 educational Institutions (colleges and universities) with social and medical profile;
• 24 CSO in social fields from 4 districts (Soroca, Dubasari, Edinet and Balti);
• AO Homecare staff .
Final beneficiaries
• 1200 beneficiaries (elderly and people with disabilities) who have benefiting of socio-medical homecare services in TCP Estera ( Chisinau).
• Vulnerable people from 4 selected districts – Edinet, Soroca, Dubasari and Balti municipality who have benefited of the implementation of 4 Local Inclusive strategies and implemnetation of 24 small grants;
• 12 Educational Institutions who will benefiting of new qualified internship opportunities;
• Overal popopulation who will benefit of change in the legal and normative framework related to social and medical homecare fields.
• Institutions involved:
Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection (MHLSP);
National Medical Insurance Company (NMIC)
District (Rayonal) Directorates of Social Assistance and Family Protection;
Union of the Community Service Providers
Project Background
The project has addressed the burning challenges of social sector development in Moldova, identified by leading actors of the social sector in the country. The project has supported the effort of these local as well as international actors mainly in development of functioning system of decentralised and de-institutionalised service provision; and in strengthening of local service providers.
Among the burning challenges, the project has addressed the dire situation of elderly people left in volatile hardships and deemed as country’s responsibility and burning issue. Through adjustment of tariff for medical services; identification of legal changes necessary for enactment of financing of social services from public sources; and optimization of functioning of the main homecare services provider, the project has lead to consolidation of operational and financial sustainability of home care services sector.
The social sector in Moldova faces on-going lack of stable work force. Organizations involved in provision of social (especially homecare) services face obstacles in recruiting, training and keeping volunteers as a vital resource of their centres/organizations. Therefore, the project aimed to create a functional instrument enabling and facilitating involvement of interns and volunteers in social services provision.
The project has supported efforts of local public institutions to improve the quality of social services and to support the process of de-institutionalisation and help the local authorities to cope with challenges resulting from decentralisation. Local public authorities in 4 districts (Soroca, Edinet, Balti and Dubasari) were supported in the development of Social Inclusive Strategies and their implementation. The project was therefore in compliance with needs of marginalised groups of population.
The overall objective of the project is to create a system of quality, accessible and sustainable social services in Moldova.
The specific objectives of the project:
- To consolidate the operational and financial sustainability of the home care services’ sector
- To create a functional tool enabling and facilitating the involvement of interns in the provision of social services.
- To create and integrate a system of social services management on the district and municipal level through increasing of capacities and initiating a strategic dialogue with key stakeholders.
Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) is a non-governmental organization with the vision of reducing human suffering, loss of lives, and poverty, enhancing the dignity of people living in poor conditions as well as building up and strengthening solidarity and participation. The traditional fields of work for CCR are social work, health care, education and livelihoods. Besides its activities in the Czech Republic, CCR, through its department of humanitarian and development aid, provides assistance abroad, in areas affected by natural disasters, war, conflicts, or poverty, both on humanitarian and development basis.
Deadline for applications: 31 October 2019
Start of work: 5 November 2019 (preparatory work, field data collection, report drafting)
Submission of draft evaluation report: 30 November 2019
Feedback from CCR on the draft evaluation report: 05 December 2019
Submission of final evaluation report: 7 December 2019
1. Draft of Evaluation report in English – Due on 30th November 2019, shall be submitted to Country Director Para Anastasia and CCR Desk officer Kremenić Ana
2. Final evaluation report in English with all annexes – Due on 7 December 2019, shall be submitted to Country Director Para Anastasia and CCR Desk officer Kremenić Ana
Add 2. The evaluation report shall have between 20 - 50 standard A4 pages (1 800 characters per single page). Its structure shall be as follows:
• Summary
• Context
• Methodology and applied instruments
• Findings (as per the structure below)
• Conclusion and recommendation
• Annexes (lists and opinions of interviewees, diagrams and informants, questionnaires, photos etc.)
The evaluation shall focus mainly on the topics and questions below (the list is not exhaustive)
Project relevance
• Relevance of the project objectives and expected results to the needs of the country, target groups and beneficiaries
• Relevance of the project objectives and expected results to the expectations of the main stakeholders
• Ability of the project management to adjust the project to changing context in the given sector
Progress made towards the achievement of results
• Fulfillment of the project objectives and results against project timeframe
• Reasons for delay in achieving project objectives and results (if applicable)
Achievement of given indicators
On the level of Results
E.R.1.1 Tariff for medical services has been increased by 40% from the current amount
1.1.1 The existence of an increased (by 40% compared to the current amount) tariff for health services.
1.1.2 The existence of adjusted formula of calculation, which will ensure a yearly basis increasing of tariff for health services in line with inflation fluctuation.
E.R.1.2 Preconditions for funding of social services from state budget are created
1.2 The draft of legislative changes has been prepared.
E.R.1.3 TPC Estera is consolidated in terms of funding and provision of social and medical services
1.3.1 By the end of the project, the increase in the number of clients receiving health and social services will reach 25% (from 300 to 365 per year)
1.3.2 TPC Estera’s budget is covered by sources different than the sources of Czech Development Cooperation.
1.3.3 Permanent (at least 3 years starting from 2020) location of TPC Estera in suitable premises.
E.R.1.4 Operation of AO Home Care (AOHC) has been optimized
1.4.1 The existence of AOHC strategy (by the end of 2017)
1.4.2 The existence of an optimised AOHC budget (by the end of 2017)
1.4.3 Achievement of at least 75% of the strategic goals by the end of the project (relates to goals planned for the period of implementation).
E.R.2.1 Internship program linking students with the established NGOs
2.1.1 Involvement of 50 interns
2.1.2 Involvement of 7 NGOs (in the first year).
2.1.3 Involvement of 12 tertiary education institutions (universities and colleges)
E.R.3.1 Assessment of needs and existing social services in targeted areas
3.1.1Qualitative and quantitative research – questionnaire survey, focus groups and interviews with stakeholders.
3.1.2 A number of strategic recommendations based on locally tested approaches designed and enforced on the national level. Goal: 1 recommendation/CSO
3.1.3 District social inclusion strategy has been created and is being integrated into the local socioeconomic strategy.
E.R.3.2 The capacities and cooperation of both state and non-state institutions to plan and manage social services at local level to vulnerable people have increased
3.2.1 The number of representatives of the National Social Support Agency, DSAFP, social assistants involved in social services and the number of created Transformation Teams and NGO workers from the 4 districts who have sufficient capacities and professional knowledge to get involved in the dialogue regarding the design of the social inclusion strategy. Goal: 40 persons will have been trained by the 2nd year of the project.
3.2.2 The number of meetings of the Advisory Committee for Social Inclusion with the participation of state institutions, civil sector and vulnerable groups. Goal: 6 meetings per municipality will have taken place by the end of the project.
3.2.3 The number of recipients of publications containing best practice examples and experience gained so far. Goal: 3 districts and 1 municipality (direct project beneficiaries) +28 LPA of II. level
E.R.3.3 Implementation of action plans elaborated and supported
3.3.1 The number of projects implemented as part of Annual Action Plans 2019. Goal: 24 small projects implemented by the end of the 2nd and 3rd project year.
3.3.2 The percentage of achieved results identified within small CSO projects supported by the small grants system. Goal: 80% of the small projects’ expected results will have been achieved by the end of the projects
On the level of Specific objectives:
SO 1
1.1 Introduction of an increased tariff for health services and design of changes in legislation in relation to funding of social home care services from the state budget.
1.2. AO Home Care (AOHC) is independent, with the 2020 budget covered from different sources.
SO 2
2.1 The number of interns actively involved in social services and home care (the target value of 20 interns/year).
SO 3
3.1 The number of local strategies and mechanisms created in cooperation with LPAs and CSOs which reflect and meet needs of vulnerable groups. Goal: By the end of the project, 4 district strategies will have been created, 1 for each target locations (Edinet, Soroca, Balti and Dudasari).
3.2 Four (4) mechanisms – 1 for each municipality – for monitoring of local programmes and activities of LPA bodies in the area of inclusion.
• Efficiency of the financial resources needed to achieve the existing outputs / results
• Efficiency of the human resources needed to achieve the existing outputs / results
Sustainability and replication prospects
• Prospects for viability of the training model developed by the project
• Prospects for future application and dissemination of the knowledge gained by the project beneficiaries
Project management and organization
• Effectivity of the communication between CCR, project partners and other stakeholders
• Level of local stakeholders´ (including beneficiaries, government and the local partners) participation in project implementation
• Visibility of the project and its funding (does it meet respective donors´ requirements, is it sufficient or not)
• Arrangement and transparency of project documents (documents proving implementation of activities, achievement of results and objectives, financial documents) keeping
• Effectiveness of CCR and FCPS internal project monitoring mechanisms (monitoring of partners´ performance, project events, measurement of impact of the trainings etc.)
• Project design recommendations for future actions relevant to the context and needs
• Modification / upgrade of the methods and tools relevant to the context and needs
• Measures needed to ensure sustainability and replication prospects for future actions
• Measures needed to ensure project benefit for the target groups and other stakeholders
• Organizational and management changes needed to improve the project management and administration (if applicable)
• University degree in areas of overseas development/humanitarian action/economics or social science or areas relevant for the assignment;
• Previous experience / participation , at least three (3) years, in research and strategy/organisational development/project management and review;
• Fluency in written and spoken English
• Knowledge and experience of using participatory approaches and innovative facilitation techniques
• Demonstrated excellent analytical skills (evidence required)
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and comfortable working across cultures
• Demonstrated understanding of development sector in the field of health care (verifiable information on relevant experience required)
• Expertise in inclusion field or social protection sector, prevention programs, educational programs in health sector
• Experience in working in Moldova
• Contractor’s performance will be evaluated against such criteria as: description of experience and expertise (copies of documents proving the expertise and experience shall be attached), timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy.
The description of experience and expertise has to include:
• contacts to persons / institutions that can provide reference, and / or
• copies of official documents proving the experience and expertise stated
The selection criteria will be as follows:
• Offered price (25%)
• Proven expertise and experience (75%)
Selected consultant / group of consultants/ company will be subcontracted by CCR to produce the deliverables specified above.
Maximum price to be paid for the deliverables is 95 000 CZK
The price agreed on will cover consultant´s remuneration, all costs incurred by the consultant related to the assignment and all taxes and fees required by law. The price will be final and cannot be increased under any circumstances.
CCR will provide the consultant with all information and documents it has at its disposal needed to conduct the evaluation.
Interested candidates should send their offers in English with clearly indicated Name and Surname to the following address and by 31 October 2019.
Incomplete offers and offers received after the deadline will not be considered. CCR reserves the right to cancel the tender at any time.
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