31 год
Чтобы открыть контактную информацию соискателя, нужно зарегистрироваться и оплатить услугу "Доступ к базе резюме".
Обо мне
Мне нравится проводить свой досуг по-разному. Я отдаю
предпочтение чтению книг, новостей и различной виды статей. Что
касается занятий спортом, я люблю гулять и плавать. Я также
активно провожу свободное время игра в теннис или волейбол и
езда на велосипеде. Кроме того, мне нравятся силовые тренировки и
растяжка. Я стараюсь уделять время к упражнениям для улучшения
моего английского.
JavaScript, React Js, React Native, Node Js, Communication, diligence, punctuality
Опыт работы
Январь 2024 - Настоящее время
11 месяцев
React JS, React Native Developer
Otherweb, Delaware, USA
Development of news website and otherweb application. Includes authorization by token, profile and its editing, editing filter settings for preferred news. List of news with scrolling pagination, custom GPT chat with generation of responses (including links) upon news request. A separate news page allows you to go to a separate search based on meta results. Highlights by clicking on the Summery link with the ability to search for a query of interest and much more. SEO focused product. Github was used for CI/CD, ClicpUp was used for working with tasks. For Slack and Telegram communication. Agile methodology.
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/otherweb-junk-free- news/id6443798894
android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=com.otherweb&referrer=utm_source%3Dotherweb%26ut m_medium%3Dlanding%26utm_campaign%3Dlanding&pli=1 stack web: react js, next js, next-auth, MUI, react hooks form, sass and other
stack react native: react native, react native navigation, async-storage, RTK-query and otherIOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/otherweb-junk-free- news/id6443798894
android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details? id=com.otherweb&referrer=utm_source%3Dotherweb%26ut m_medium%3Dlanding%26utm_campaign%3Dlanding&pli=1 stack web: react js, next js, next-auth, MUI, react hooks form, sass and other
stack react native: react native, react native navigation, async-storage, RTK-query and other
Декабрь 2023 - Май 2024
6 месяцев
React JS, React Native Developer
Web Infrastructure SRL, Moscow, Russia
Development of a social network similar to Instagram or Facebook. Authorization, personal account, chat, adding, editing stories and reels posts. Cross-platform development for web and mobile applications simultaneously using ionic capacitor react.
Gitlab was used for commits, and Jira was used to work with issues. Agile methodology.
link: https://yuco.site/
stack: react js, styled-components, ionic react, capacitor, RTK, axios, Antd, react-router dom and others
стак(react js, formik, redux FCA, react-selector, react-swiper, react-router-dom);
Июнь 2022 - Декабрь 2023
1 год 6 месяцев
ReactJS, ReactNative, NodejsDeveloper
Oneest company, Chishinau, Moldova
Creating a user interface for both mobile and desktop. SEO focused product. Additionally, the work of the SEO manager was performed. Github was used for commits, Active Collab was used for working with tasks. For Slack communication. I started writing the product on my own as a react developer, and I continue successfully on my own. A fundamental difference from the previous place of work, since they worked according to the MVP principle, most of the functionality is immediately uploaded to production with minimal testing. There are pros and cons. This is the nature of the application. Creating your own server to use the smtp service and CRUD technology with mongo-db on Node js to edit the landing page.
stack web: next js, tailwind, react js, centrifuge js, react swiper, react hooks-form ant others
stack node js server: node js, express, mongoose, minio and other
stack mobile: react native, redux toolkit, react-native- navigation, react-native-webview, centrifuge js, react-native- getsure-hendler, react-native-reanimeted, react-push- notification and other
link to mobile app: https://jokeristhebest.live/get-application
Services for watching sports channels and live events. Has the ability to authorize and expanded access, allowing you to edit content:
tazz tv service link: https://tazz.tv/ zuzz tv service link: https://zuzz.tv/
Streaming services divided by domain for various sports. With statistics of past matches, live events and the ability to watch live events:
jokerguide: https://jokerguide.com/
Апрель 2021 - Май 2022
1 год 1 месяц
React JS Developer
DexTechnology, Tiraspol, Moldova
Building websites using the react library. Working with class and functional components, using hooks, memoization, lazy loading,
Guitar Gym
customization of any kind of logic with their help. Working with Next js, semantic layout, SSR. Work as a state manager of redux. Using such UI libraries as Ant Design, Material UI, Bootsrap. Using Sass, Less, Css modules, native css, styled-components. API implementation using fetch and axios. GitLab was used for commits. Jira was used for time tracking and task creation. swagger, postman was used to test api.
Июль 2016 - Июнь 2021
5 лет
Technical Support Inspector
Moldovan Customs
Moldovan Customs, Ribnitsa Technical support of software products (applications) used in customs authorities (INSPECTOR OTO, ASU NTP 1-C, accounting of payments, unified automated system, basis, website https: //customs.gospmr.org/)
Январь 2020 - Март 2021
1 год 2 месяца
React JS Developer, Javascript Developer
SoftSolution Ltd, Ribnitsa, Moldova
Developer of client software using the react js library, scc modules, Redux FCA. Development of landing pages using html, CSS and Javascript. Сreation and support of an administrative panel for commercial use. The administrative panel includes a calendar with a schedule of employee shifts. Ability to create notes, TODO list, sending alerts.
Румынский Базовый
Русский Свободно владею
Английский Разговорный
Образование: Высшее
Год окончания: 2016
Российская Таможенная Академия им В.Б. Бобкова филиал в СПб
Факультет: Таможенное дело
Специальность: Технические средства таможенного контроля (включая компьютеры))
Пожелания к работе
График работы
Водительское удостоверение
Категория: B
Чтобы открыть контактную информацию соискателя, нужно зарегистрироваться и оплатить услугу "Доступ к базе резюме".